Fineturf TX Speciality Products


These products combine the proven results of TX fertilisers with the additional benefits of deterring moss or worm casts. Higher humic acid content and lower than neutral pH (5.8) makes both products suitable for application to all sports turf surfaces.

When faced with moss or worm casting problems, apply TXm or TXc in place of your regular fertiliser. 

TXm 4-0-13 + 3Fe

TXm 4-0-13 packshot.jpg

Fineturf Mosnoc fertiliser, designed to replace or supplement other programmed granule fertiliser applications when moss is in evidence. TXm forces a gradual overtake of moss by turf

  • TX fertiliser with the added benefit of deterring moss

  • Will promote fine-turf grass species and their growth through moss invaded turf

  • Ideal for bowling greens

  • 8 to 10 week release


Application rates:
Thinning sward 30g/m2
Moss spotted area 30g/m2, followed by 20g/m2 3 weeks later. Spot treat badly moss invaded areas 60g/m2

Recommended Period of Use:
Spring to Autumn

TXc 4-0-7

TXC 4-0-7 packshot.jpg
  • Fineturf Castnoc fertiliser designed to replace or supplement other programmed granule fertiliser applications when casting worms are in evidence.

  • TX fertiliser with the added benefit of deterring casting worms

  • Promotes sward density

  • 8 to 10 weeks release


Application rates: Thinning sward 30g/m2 Spring and Summer 40-60g/m2 Autumn into Winter 30g/m2

Recommended Period of Use:
Spring to Autumn